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Posted on September 30, 2012
Fast development and deep penetration of Internet into all aspects of our life motivates businesses and even many individuals to go online i.e. to create their business or personal websites that all should have their own domain name to make their sites easier to locate the web. We should also note that nowadays domain name is not only a name of the website but it more and more often becomes a well known brand (e.g.,, a trade name, or identity of a well known Internet resource (e.g., the domain name of this site). So that it becomes quite important to choose a proper domain name that is short, easy to remember and represents the website very well. No doubt large companies can afford to buy even very expensive short names from the current owners, however, that’s not the case for personal or even small business sites owners who do not want to invest too much making their first steps on the Web. Although that is not so expensive to purchase a domain name with such most popular extensions like .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, etc. there are still cases when the site owner does not want or cannot afford to buy a domain name even at quite low price, and in this case there is such option as free domain name that we discuss in this article. Please note that there are a lot of free domain name scams on the web that trick Internet users offering free domains and making them fill in dozens of web forms, sing up for tons of “free offers”, etc. however, finally they never give away a promised free domain. Be aware. You’ve been warned. In this article we propose to consider the following option to register a free domain name, whose that are not scams and can be used safely:
Such completely free domain services are usually powered by companies that provide free and low cost web services (such as free website hosting, unlimited shared hosting, VPS hosting, low cost domain registration, etc.) and thus they are able to pay the costs of free service offering extended/advanced services for a small or not very small fee. Such totally free domain services are recommended for small personal website owners, or for those who just start on the web and thus do not want to spend money at first. You can check list of free domain providers that we recommend to consider at the best free domains page where we provide some extended information about the best domain name free services that we personally tested and can assure they are legit and solid services.
However, when it comes to a web site for the online business we do not recommend to become attracted with the ease of registering a free domain name, but we’d suggest to spend some time learning the matter and to buy a cheap domain name yourself e.g. via Godaddy or perhaps to buy not cheap but a perfectly matching domain e.g. via Sedo domain name marketplace. See more Web Hosting Tips Also check these: Check the Comments Submitted by Visitors:Post a Reply to Inderjit Singh |
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Thanks for the write-up. I was unaware of the fact that we can also get free domains. Thanks a lot for this. BTW I needed to buy new hosting, any ideas ??
You might want to check our best web hosts list for some ideas.
Website: (hosted by Hostgator)
Been using hostgator for the longest time and signed up without any discounts. Too bad I didn’t check the site out before so I could have gotten a free domain name.
Can I register free domain like .com or or something else?
Yes, you do can register a free .com or other regularly “paid” domain name if you buy a web hosting service e.g. from one of the web hosting companies mentioned in our article above.
I want to only domain name not hosting.. so please tell some thing else where i can register my domain name..
You can find several “free domaind without hosting” services at our best free domains page.
IF I register a domain name with with provider “x”, create a webpage etc. Can I change the hosting of that page to another provider later if a better deal comes up?
I suppose that depands on the agreement that you “sign” when register a domain at the provider. That is always a good idea to carefully study an agreement before singing up in order to avoid any misunderstanding and frustration in future 😉